When you have a best friend who you've been with during all of life's struggles, it is an incredible feeling when you get to marry her to someone who she’s found…. who is JUST RIGHT!!

This flows into the pure happiness they were both feeling on their wedding day!!

Kate was so chilled and relaxed, in fact, according to Kate, her daughters were “peeking a little”.......” anyone would think they were getting married!!”
Emotions were definitely high for everyone, and the best way to calm high emotions is to be surrounded by nature.

Kate & Oges picked a beautiful location beside a running stream, with the ceremony timed near sunset. It was up near Talbingo at a picturesque spot called Jounama Camp Ground in Kosciuszko National Park, NSW.
What I loved about this wedding was that it was a private affair surrounded by only immediate family. I suppose being a Celebrant has its benefits for getting the privilege of being at a bestie's wedding when it was kept so intimate.
As the family arrived, it was fantastic to hug and greet them all, as I have known them all since I came to this beautiful snowy mountain region in 2008 and they welcomed me into their family.
This family has such a strong bond and has always been there for each other, and today was just another beautiful example of their love. With Kate’s daughters walking down the path first, Oges was waiting with Kate’s sons Cody & Chance.

Then Kate was walked down the aisle by both her Mum & Dad and then the magic moment happened.
“Thank the life and the journey you have had up till now.
Because it has brought you To each other.”

Standing on the magic carpet, (that’s what I told Chance it was) they exchanged vows.
Kate: “He is my best friend and I can’t imagine life without him. He is home - if that makes sense”
Oges: “I'm happiest when Kate’s by my side. She's also introduced me to her 4 beautiful kids and I already love them all so much...”
And finally, it was time to say the words I was so happy to say to my bestie:
“It is now time for me to introduce Mr and Mrs King and Queen of Talbingo
Or should I say
Mr & Mrs Ogilvie!!”

I never thought when I became a celebrant that I would be marrying my friends (yes, family, maybe, one day!), but it certainly wasn’t why I became a celebrant.
I can say though that it is an absolute honor and
“Kate….. I declare he’s a keeper!!”
Thank you Kate & Oges for choosing me to be your celebrant, and I wish you both happiness for the next journey together that is filled with love.
Celebrant: Love Michelle Boyd lovemichelleboyd.com
Photographer: Nadia Soul Echo Photography
Flowers: Natasha from Coach house Flowers
Hair stylist: The Art of Hair and Mosaic
Makeup: Tranquility
Reception Venue: Talbingo Country Club
Heavenly Views: Mother Nature